- A college or for that matter any institution without well-defined aims and objectives is like a ship without a rudder.
- Michael Madhusudan Memorial College has a specific target and destination.
- The college aims at unfolding to the fullest potentialities of the students. We are motivated by the vision to produce good citizens, developed both in brain and brawn.
- The college offers a wide spectrum of courses like Honours in Bengali, English, Geography, History, Philosophy and Education in Arts, Accountancy in Commerce, Computer Science, Microbiology, Mathematics and Physics in Science, Professional course like BCA, BBA equip the students to face the present-day world professionalism and confidently. Apart from the academic aspects, the college endeavors to sensitize the students to the condition of the country and its problems through various cultural programs. The college always fosters the spirits of mutual tolerance, peaceful co-existence of different communities, castes and creeds and respect for the national heritage and national integration.